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Concerted Hand-holding, collective Sharing, Joint Creation
sources:   Viewed:1089time   date:2019-02-27

Concerted Hand-holding, collective Sharing, Joint Creation

---Sichuan Huayan Group New Year Gala

To celebrate the lunar new year, Sichuan Huayan Group New Year Gala has been held on Jan 29th, during which over 400 employees gathered happily to share the enjoyable night. 


Mr.Pan, the president, addressed his new year speech to kick off the gala. He pointed out that over the past year of 2018, Huayan family has overcame various obstacles. Teams in Chengdu, Chongqing and Xiamen have earned industrial recognition and awards. The newly-opened hotel maintained a relatively high occupancy rate. Moreover, our oversea business has made its progress to enter into new stage. Mr.Pan thanked friends from all circles for their support and help. He also presented the confidence to march towards a higher goal in the coming year. 


The gala awarded team of excellence and employee of excellence in the year of 2018 as well as senior employees of 5 years service in Huayan family. It’s worth mentioning that some heads of department, directors of project and deputy general manager are risen from those senior employees. They devoted themselves to lead the team marching on the way of innovation and creation. 


Later after the awarding part, staff of various departments and subsidiaries of the Group presented us with a variety of innovative and visual enjoyment. The gala ended in a wave of laughter. 

      In 2018, Huayan people handed over a perfect answer. In the new year, we will face more opportunities and challenges. We will continue to work together for a better tomorrow.     
 16/F, Unit 2, Building 3, Holy Center, No.10, Keyuan 2nd Road, High-tech Zone, Chengdu City

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