Road Trip to the most Beautiful Flower Field
-----Huayan Group 2018 Women’s Day Activity
March, a time of breeze kiss and sunshine embrace in the year. On the
beginning of March, we welcomed the annual holiday of women’s----the National
Wome’s Day. To celebrate, company organized all female employee to take a road
trop to Chongqing Road in Chongzhou District---where has gone viral online as
the most beautiful country road.
With abundant sunshine, cole flowers are blooming along the road.
Standing in the middle of field, girls were surrounded by the bright yellow flowers, which also is a great
helper to brighten the photos taken.
As a routine of Huayan, we usually hold various types of outdoor
activities on the women’s Day. Those activities offered a good platform for
female employees to promote their friendship at the mean time of enjoying their
holiday relaxed. Our girls has shown an optimistic spiritual outlook.