Huayan Group 2017 In-house Training-1: Business Presentation Skills
As the company’s driving development, business presentation and public speech have now became essential skills in work. To improve business presentation skill, the group corporation organized an in-house training for the core management personnel in Chengdu office on March 18th.
The training has been given in two aspects of presentation: Content and Method. Content of presentation---How to choose content of presentation according to different audience. How to design the opening & ending. How to connect the content logically. Method of presentation---covering from how to make PPT, standing posture, gesture to eye contact and pronouncing skill. The training also guided the trainees by a mount of multiple practices to learn those skills.
Upon a whole day training, all participants are greatly satisfied. When the assistant lecturer show a video from earlier self-introduction of group members, the trainees knew better about themselves and what to practice in the future.
In the end, each group has picked a topic for presentation. Trainees surprisingly found themselves made a big step ahead on organize content and giving presentation, which is credit of this training.